[Stella Loves] Personalised baby accessories from My 1st Years

Stella’s bedroom is starting to get transformed from a baby nursery in to a toddler’s room. She turned two last October and now has very specific requirements as far as her daily activities are concerned. Colouring, reading, role playing with her animal menagerie, as well as hide and seek sessions are no longer confined to one area of our downstairs living room, like they used to. She now expects to have the choice to perform any activity she likes, anywhere she likes. Yes, she's bossy like that. Who knows where she takes it from. So I have had to shuffle things around her bedroom to make it more ‘activity’ friendly, rather than just a place where she sleeps and gets (fancy) dressed.  

When the lovely people from My 1st Years got in touch to ask me to review one of my favourite pieces from their collection, I spotted their toddler white wooden desk and chair set straight away (for once I tried to think practical, which is a very alien concept to me...) It's a lovely little set entirely made of wood, is super easy to assemble (it comes flat packed and takes literally 3 minutes of allen key magic to put together), has an integrated red plastic pots to store crayons (very handy) and can be personalised for free with your little one's name (on the back of the chair). And you know I do love a bit of customised vibe in the house...

If you haven't heard of My 1st Years yet, their collection is well worth a browse. Their range focuses on personalised gifts for little people including teddies and toys, blankets, clothing, bed, bath and home accessories. The quality is great, and most importantly, everything ticks the affordable box. 

Originally we put the desk and chair set downstairs but it now has a prime spot in her bedroom and it works like a charm. Or it might be a victim of its own success, depending on how you look at it, as I now literally have to remove Stella from her desk by force when it’s time to head out of the house…

So what do you think? I expect the level of arts & crafts in the Stella + the Stars household to ramp up in the next few weeks... 

Disclosure: This post was written in collaboration with My 1st Years who gifted Stella the desk and chair set. However, all words, opinions and sarcasms are entirely my own. I only work with companies and brands I genuinely think are fab and that I love and hope you will love too. Thank you for supporting the small businesses that support Stella + the Stars...